Total Awarded
2014 - 2016
The Mexican Midwifery Association was founded in 2012 and in 2016 became an associate member of the International Confederation of Midwives. In alignment with international standards and guidelines, the Association promotes the education and regulation of midwifery, and the association and networking of midwives across Mexico. With this award, the Association is working toward the standardization and accreditation of midwifery training, the certification of midwifery skills according to international standards, and, through heightened outreach and membership, strengthening the organization to become recognized as an authoritative voice for and representative of the profession in Mexico.
The Asociacion Mexicana de Parteria seeks to increase the legitimacy of midwifery as a culturally sensitive practice, recognized and certified by the Mexican health system. Over the next three years, the Association will work to become the professional association in Mexico for midwifery, to increase training options for professional midwifery, to increase the knowledge and skills of traditional and professional midwives, and to help craft policies that will enable midwifery school graduates to obtain certification and employment in the public health sector.