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American University, School of International Service

Washington, D.C.


2024 ( 5 months)

The Center for Environment, Community, and Equity at American University supports research and action for a just and sustainable world. The X-Grant will help disseminate research about the efficacy of climate advocacy in local and national policymaking. Academics, policymakers, and civil society organizations will be briefed.

2022 (2 years 3 months)

Established in 1893, American University is a private research university located in Washington, DC. The Accountability Research Center (ARC) is in the School of International Service at American University. Launched in 2017, the Accountability Research Center is an action-research center whose mission is to facilitate practitioner-researcher partnerships in the Global South to support learning and applied research. With this final renewal award, the Accountability Research Center builds on previous research on the “sandwich strategy,” a theory that describes an approach to bring about social change and is the foundation upon which On Nigeria’s theory of change was built. ARC researchers are partnering with Nigerian counterparts to study two sandwich study cases in Nigeria: the independent monitors of the National Social Investment Program and ward health development committees that exist throughout the country. These two programs offer an important opportunity for study, given their vast scale and the fact that they are institutionalized into the government system. The expected outcomes of the research are to inform Nigerian stakeholders, donors, and civil society about how these two national accountability programs work in practice and to bring evidence from Nigerian experiences into the international research literature on governance, health, and social protection.

2018 (4 years)

Established in 1893, American University is a private research university located in Washington, DC. The Accountability Research Center is located in the School of International Service at American University. Launched in 2017, the Accountability Research Center is an action-research center whose mission is to facilitate practitioner-researcher partnerships in the Global South to support learning and applied research. With this award, Accountability Research Center researchers and partners in Nigeria are collecting examples of accountability initiatives in the Global South, using those examples to broaden the evidence base of the “sandwich strategy,” a theory that describes an approach to bring about institutional change. The researchers are disseminating the results in a series of academic papers, policy briefs, working papers, social media posts, and in-person events. The expected outcome is a broader and more robust evidence base to refine and enhance the sandwich theory of change strategy, which provides valuable information to practitioners, researchers, and policymakers concerned with reducing corruption, improving service delivery, or strengthening accountability.



2015 (1 year)

American University’s School of International Service (SIS) produces cutting edge research and prepares the next generation of leaders to address global challenges. The project researches the political economy currently shaping U.S. policies on plutonium and highly enriched uranium, the fissile materials that are the key ingredients in nuclear weapons. It intends to inform United States’ decisions on disposal of excess weapons plutonium and uranium enrichment.

1988 (1 year 1 month)

To support the joint project Civil Military Relations in Latin America, co-sponsored with the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios del Uruguay.