Total Awarded
2021 - 2024
American Friends for EdelGive Foundation (AFEF) is a U.S. based organization helping to build and expand philanthropy in India by funding and supporting the growth of small-to-medium-sized grassroots nonprofit organizations committed to empowering vulnerable communities. In 2021, in response to the COVID pandemic, AFEF developed the Grassroots Resilience Ownership and Wellness Fund (GROW) model, which brought together 35 funders and supported more than 100 NGOs with a commitment of $10 million. The Fund became an outstanding example of collective philanthropic action in India. Inspired by the success of GROW, the GROW Fund for Climate will be the first of its kind in India with an aim to build a community of resilient grassroots organizations with climate expertise. The target is to support 500 organizations.
The American Friends of Edelgive Foundation (AFEF) is an independent nonprofit organization that aims to build and expand philanthropy in India by funding and supporting the growth of small- to mid-sized nonprofit organizations committed to empowering vulnerable children, women, and communities. The award enables AFEF to organize workshops for 75-100 members of key stakeholder groups within India's civil society ecosystem. This includes nonprofits and philanthropists and aims to help them understand the value of incorporating a climate lens in their programs, as well as grant-making.
The American Friends of Edelgive Foundation (AFEF) is an independent nonprofit organization that aims to build and expand philanthropy in India by funding and supporting the growth of small- to mid-sized nonprofit organizations committed to empowering vulnerable children, women, and communities. The award enables AFEF to partner with the India Climate Collaborative—India’s first collaborative philanthropy platform established to promote action against climate change—to identify, curate, and present potentially fundable, high-impact development initiatives that seek to reduce and/or eliminate adverse impacts of climate change, to Indian funders for future engagement and support.
American Friends of EdelGive Foundation (AFEF) is a US-based grantmaking organization helping to build and expand philanthropy in India by funding and supporting the growth of small- to mid-sized grassroots nonprofits committed to empowering vulnerable children, women, and communities. In response to COVID-19, AFEF created the Grassroots for Resilience Ownership and Wellness (GROW) Fund, a fund to help sustain 100 social service nonprofits in India over the next 24 months by supporting their core costs, capacity building, and future readiness, in order to enable their continued service to communities most impacted by the pandemic. This grant provides AFEF support for the GROW Fund, specifically their resourcing of Indigenous-led and -serving grassroots organizations.