Total Awarded
2012 - 2014
The Afterschool Alliance is a national organization dedicated to increasing the public’s awareness of before-school, afterschool, and summer programs as critical learning supports for young people. With this grant, the Alliance plans to raise awareness about and spread the use of Connected Learning principles and practices within the afterschool field, including the use of digital badges. The Alliance will disseminate Connected Learning principles, gather examples of practices, pilot badges in the afterschool community, and share relevant information among and between afterschool programs and networks.
The Afterschool Alliance (Alliance) is a national organization dedicated to heightening the public awareness of afterschool programs as critical learning supports for young people. Nationally, the Alliance spearheads a diverse coalition of organizations to champion afterschool for all. The Alliance also provides tools and support to over 40 formal statewide afterschool networks and local afterschool programs across the country. This project supports the Alliance in raising awareness and spreading connected learning principles and practices among the afterschool field, including libraries and museums.