Total Awarded
Established in 2018, the Africa Health Budget Initiative (AHBI) is a Nigerian nonprofit using budget advocacy to improve health in Africa. This award promotes equitable access and accountable management of COVID-19 vaccines in Nigeria’s southern region (including Lagos State, the epicenter of COVID-19). AHBI is strengthening community oversight and accountability structures and tackling misinformation and disinformation to ease vaccine introduction and improve acceptance. It is strengthening community-led action hubs, building the capacity of vaccine champions, fostering a partnership between them and vaccine distribution and administration infrastructures at state and local government levels, supporting community advocacy for vaccine accountability, and integrating COVID-19 care into primary healthcare systems. AHBI is working with facilities, health worker associations, women, young people, and vulnerable populations in urban slums and remote areas and coordinating with other Bond Proceeds grantees. The award contributes to the Foundation’s goal of improving access to resources for immediate health-related challenges while simultaneously advancing new models, policies, and infrastructure for greater public health equity and resilience in the future.