George D. Davis

Environmental Policy Analyst Class of 1989
location icon Location
Albany, New York
age iconAge
47 at time of award

About George's Work

George Davis works to promote land and natural resource stewardship and to advocate the best choices for the environment in terms of both conservation and economics.

Davis has worked for thirty years in natural resource management, land-use planning, and environmental policy at state, national, and international levels, and in the private sector.  He led a joint U.S.-Russian-Mongolian team of scientists in developing a sustainable land-use policy and allocation plan for the Lake Baikal watershed, and a U.S.-Russian-Chinese team for the Ussuri River watershed.  He also strives to preserve endangered land and water resources of the Miskito Indian in Nicaragua and Honduras.  His works include Developing a Land Conservation Strategy: A Handbook for Land Trusts (1987), The Adirondack Park in the Twenty-First Century (1990), and A Sustainable Land Use and Allocation Program for the Ussuri River Watershed and Adjacent Territories (1996).


Now retired, Davis was the president of Ecologically Sustainable Development, Inc., the nonprofit successor to his Davis Associates partnership.  He has served as executive director of the New York State Commission on the Adirondacks in the Twenty-First Century.

Davis received a B.S. (1964) from the State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, and did graduate work at Cornell University.

Last updated January 1, 2005

Published on August 1, 1989

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