At its 2012 Summit, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) will convene Democrats, Republicans, and legislative staff from all 50 states to exchange ideas and shared learning on America’s toughest issues. The MacArthur-supported summit, themed “Build Strong States,” will take place August 7-9 in Chicago and will feature members of MacArthur’s staff. Juvenile Justice Reform Director Laurie Garduque will speak at an August 7 Law & Criminal Justice committee luncheon about MacArthur’s juvenile justice initiative, “Models for Change.” Director of Education for U.S. Programs Connie Yowell will discuss contemporary approaches to learning and the Foundation’s digital media and learning initiative at an August 8 Education Committee meeting.
At its 2012 Summit, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) will convene Democrats, Republicans, and legislative staff from all 50 states to exchange ideas and shared learning on America’s toughest issues.