The Homestretch

The Homestretch relays the story of homeless high school students trying to make it to graduation day and beyond.

Directorsr: Anne de Mare, Kirsten Kelly
Producers: Gordon Quinn, Justine Nagan

Production Company
Kartemquin Films, Spargel Productions

Release Date
April 16, 2014

There are more than 1.6 million homeless youth around the country and 17,000 in Chicago. Kartemquin’s film, The Homestretch, examines the incredibly challenging lives of homeless high school students. Directors Anna de Mare and Kirsten Kelly follows the stories of students who are trying not just to make it to graduation, but to transition to life after that, as well. For three years, they gained intimate access to the Chicago Public Schools, the Crib Youth Shelter, and the Teen Living Program’s Transitional Home to follow to fully portray the struggles that homeless American youth face—and what happens when they lose the support structure that school provides.

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