Reinvention Stories

A documentary project, public radio series, and collaborative website about Dayton, Ohio, and the ways in which residents and communities are adjusting to a post-industrial economy
Reinvention Stories

Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert

Production Company
Community Media Productions

Reinvention Stories is a non-fiction multimedia project consisting of a public radio series, website and feature-length documentary, all of which collect and present stories of how people and communities in Dayton, Ohio are creating new jobs and professional identities for themselves and re-envisioning a future for their city. Reinvention Stories will film, crowd-source, and present a wide range of personal stories that reveal the many ways in which a post-industrial city faces and responds to profound and often undesired economic change.

Reinvention Stories is a production of Community Media Productions, and WYSO – Yellow Springs, Ohio as a project of Localore, created by the Association of Independents in Radio (AIR).