Why We Collect Demographic Data and How It Is Used

We ask for voluntary reporting of demographic data from people we work with to help hold ourselves accountable to our strategic goals.


MacArthur collects demographic information across a range of its activities, including with respect to our Staff, Board, grantees, vendors, impact investments, and investment managers. We hope this information will help inform and explain what we seek to collect, why we collect such information, and how we use the information.

What Data We Seek

We seek to collect demographic information on a voluntary basis across a range of characteristics, including racial, ethnic, gender, sexual identity, and disability status.

How We Collect It

We aim to collect this information in a manner that minimizes the burden on parties providing the information because we understand others may be seeking similar information. When appropriate, demographic information is submitted to a third party that can, with permission, share it with other parties requesting similar information. In our investment and impact investment areas, investment managers are asked to supply demographic data to Lenox Park. In our grantmaking, we ask U.S.-based grantees to provide demographic data on their Candid profiles, allowing other funders to access the information. In our business diversity approach, we rely on a publicly available database or ask for information directly.

Our Rationale for Collecting Demographic Data and Use

  • MacArthur's values include a commitment to Creativity; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Empathy; Integrity; and Learning. We seek to honor our values in all our work and operations.
  • We recognize that many of the traditional practices in philanthropy have unintentionally resulted in inequities in the distribution and use of foundation assets in the U.S. and around the world. MacArthur has aspirational goals to address such inequities across multiple dimensions of diversity including racial, ethnic, gender, sexual identity, and disability status. In pursuit of our goals, we are guided by our Just Imperative.
  • We see the collection of demographic data as one step in helping us better understand progress toward addressing inequities and allowing us to hold ourselves accountable to our strategic goals.
  • Demographic data, along with other information we consider valuable to our business decisions, provides insight on an organization’s leadership, management, values, strategy, organizational health, approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion, hiring and retention, and effectiveness. Demographic data is used in conformance with all applicable law.


Contact us for any questions about the Foundation’s approach

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